Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hypocritical Nancy Pelosi

24Hrs After Nancy Pelosi Calls For ‘Uprisings’ Across U.S., Her Plan Backfires On Her At Home

"As one of the most disliked politicians in America with a bevy of just flat ignorant commentary to cite for exactly WHY Americans feel the way they do, Nancy just cannot seem to help herself. Keeping her mouth closed in order to not prove herself a fool, again and again, seems to simply be too great a challenge for the California Democrat. Now she has made comments sounding as though she is attempting to incite a rebellion against the Trump administration."

Read about poor Nancy

Politics is out of control. As Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."


  1. I cannot stand this lady, her, Schummer, or the one from Miami, Debbie W-S, they are all crazies. Does anyone really like or respect them? Do they represent Americans? or illegals and dreamers? They seem anti-American and should all go to Cuba or Haiti to live. Whacks! I am sure more and more are seeing through these clowns.

  2. When will all the liberals see through all these goons?
