Saturday, June 30, 2018

Families Belong Together Protest in Lake Worth

Apparently liberals who say "no one is illegal" demonstrated at the City Hall today.  I was informed that most of these people were bused in. They were shouting that "We want our rights back."  The following photos were from Scott Burton, Lake Worth Life on Facebook:

According to the city, the group,  Families Belong Together,  had no permit to have this protest. So, not only do they support illegals crossing into our country but are illegal themselves when it comes to our city laws.

“You have an option to go to a port of entry and not illegally cross into our country,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told a Senate committee last month.

US Lawyers: Ruling Allows Detention of Immigrant Families


  1. Families can stay together if they do not break the law and enter the USA illegally. Right if they go to a point of entry they can be heard. Most don't want to do that, then they want amnesty after the fact, that has to end. They need to get stricter and no allow anyone coming into the USA to ever have the opportunity to have a pathway to citizenship ever, never ever. They broke the law. Why do so many not understand that or think it is alright to break the law. They broke the law, that is why families are separated, period. STOP BREAKING THE LAW IMMIGRANTS!

  2. We moved out of Lake Worth because of it being a sanctuary city and out of control. All those illegals drunk all over on the weekends, stumbling around drunk and passing out in our yard. I blame the city leaders, they never do anything about all this lawlessness here, then they wonder why no decent person wants to live her and it is like 90 rental now. The lawlessness and illegals and the sanctuary city thing in Lake Worth is what has made a lot of law abiding people who want law and order to move out of this city. Not to mentioned the elected taking almost $50K a year each in salaries and raping the citizens and doing nothing to improve the quality of life here, just letting it come down to the level of living like in Guatemala or Haiti practically. Law and order for all and elected who make next to nothing for serving, no sanctuary cities! Clean it up Lake Worth! Enforce laws, like with this illegal protest without a permit! Laws? Do you enforce anything here?

  3. I heard most of these people were "crowd actors" bused and flown in from around the country. Liberal billionaires are paying for millions of dollars of air fares to support these rallies. I overheard some of them talking about when they were going to get their paychecks.

    I agree with Anonymous at 7:07, Palm Beach County is getting more and more like Miami every day. Forget the wall on the border. Let's build on the Broward line to keep the vermin and scum out. I have never seen such an infestation of low-class Spanish speakers...they need to leave now. If we can get the word out to Palm Beach commissioners through this blog maybe we have a chance at stopping the pollution of our county. Clean up Lake Worth! Even if we have to drag them out!

    Get on the Trump Train or get out!

  4. How many have of these "protesters " a door with a lock on their homes?
    SHAME on our Lake Worth Commissioners allowing this to happen.Where in the FUC is ICE ???????

  5. Do most law abiding tax paying hard-working people not want law and order in this country? Do they support illegals entering this country illegally? I really doubt many support illegals or human trafficked people coming in illegally. If people come in illegally and break the law, most people who break the law and are arrested, lose custody of their children if there is no one to care for them if they are in jail. My spouse says, if people come in illegally, why can't we just deport them the same day or two that they are caught? They need to start doing this quickly, send them back immediately. Also, they need to make a law that would never allow anyone entering illegally to ever have a pathway to citizenship in the USA.

  6. its always funn how you see the back of these socialists heads and not their faces even though we know who most of them are.if you are so right show it

  7. They're protesting the separation of families at the border not socialism. There were protests all over the country. No one paid actors to show up in Lake Worth. So funny.

  8. The families were always separated when the adults were held for entering illegally. This is not just a Trump idea. Plus, this activism is a little late. The families are being re-united and families that are now detained for entering this country illegally are being held together. More Judges are being assigned to handle the load.

    You can only have so much compassion for people who continue to come here for economic reasons saying they are here for sanctuary from gangs.

    Most are illiterate and have children that we will have to educate and provide housing, food and health care at no cost to them. They will not contribute to our country, only take benefits.

    It needs to stop and Obama and Bush and Clinton said so on many occasions. Trump is finally starting to DO something about it, something the previous weenies wouldn't.

    Come here legally and you are welcomed. Sneak across our border and you will be held as happens in every other country on earth.

  9. 7.23 is FAKE NEWS

  10. 7:23 is upset she didn't hold out for a paycheck from Soros who funds these useless protests.

