Friday, June 29, 2018

Even Fox News is getting caught up in the PC crapola

David Bossie, political analyst on Fox News, just got suspended for two weeks for using the term, "Wait just a cotton-picking  minute."

Bossie who is white, was debating Joel Payne a black Democrat who objected to what he considered a slur.

All of this "my feelings are hurt" stuff is out of control.  Put on your big boy pants Mr. Payne. And Fox, stop falling into the liberal trap of insanity.


  1. "During a heated segment on Fox & Friends today, I should have chosen my words more carefully and never used the offensive phrase that I did," Bossie wrote on Twitter. "I apologize to Joel Payne, Fox News and its viewers."

    Bossie apologized and knew what he said was wrong. Good for him. If more people acted as civilly as he did we might not be having the problems we are having. It's only a few bad actors who are inciting things.

  2. My father in law picked cotton when he was a young man in Georgia and he's white.Its time everyone realizes no one has monopoly on pain. No one is entitled to reparations and apology.

  3. I hope not many vote for this guy.if his skin is so thin whats it going to be like if he wins something

  4. Can't even call a spade a spade anymore. Sad !

  5. Every time I go grocery shopping I see the word "cracker" this term should be abolished!

  6. Take all Uncle Ben's rice off of the shelves NOW !
