Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dennis Rodman


  1. never liked him but now I see him in a different light. u can't judge a book by its cover.

  2. Amen. Black covers on books always repulsed me a little, but I'm finally realizing that if the chapters read the way I think, I can like any black covered book.

  3. Asked about Kim, whom Trump had just met for several hours, the president said, “His country does love him. His people, you see the fervor. They have a great fervor.”  LOL. Obama was a fool but I don’t think he was stupid enough to praise scum dictators Kaddaffi or Castro becouse hey, the people love them, not! Poor Trump can’t keep his idiotic comments to himself, foot in mouth, again. Build the wall!

  4. 3:27--Democrats are so vicious and to use our word, "idiotic." It's all part of the strategy. Honey can reap rewards. "You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."

  5. The only strategy I see is you calling anyone who disagrees with Trump a Democrat and I’ve been reading this blog long enough to know that you, ‘bite Me Hat’ are an expert in viciousness and vulgarity. Sad yet strangely entertaining listening to libs and conservatives rip on each other. BTW, nothing conservative about Mr Trump, he’s a New York City Democrat talking the talk but not doing the walk.

  6. Trump saluted a North Korean army officer! What a bonehead.

    At least he didn't have a coffee cup in his hand, right, Lynn? LOL.

  7. It's protocol.
    President Obama bowed before the Japanese emperor Akihito declaring it was the right way to honor a former enemy turned ally and then bowed to the Saudi King.
    People try to show respect especially when they are negotiating. What should he have done? Kicked him in the butt?
    So take your hate somewhere else.
