Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Democrats Manufactured Border Hysteria For Votes


  1. And Sandy Hook didn't happen.

    And Hillary and John Podesta are involved in human trafficking...or something.

    Why, Lynn? Why?

    There are so many other things to fill your blog with with and some of them are happy and some of them actually are related to Lake Worth. You're traveling a dark path...everyone wishes you the best.

  2. They just can never get anything done. How pathetic our government elected officials are. They should all be ashamed of themselves. What an embarrassment to the people they represent. How long is this problem with immigration going to drag on?

  3. @10:07...LOL. You want info going on in Lake Worth? Attend the city commission meetings and you will learn that nothing is going on. The only things that people care about in this city are the raft races coming up, calling tattoos art, medical marijuana dispensaries and the normal frivolous bull. You throw up some ridiculous conspiracy theory on Sandy Hook or Hillary (as nasty as she is) that I certainly don't support. That has nothing to do with defending what I believe as difficult as it is for you to understand or accept that.
    The only people going down dark paths are those socialists and communists and anarchists who don't give a damn about this great country. Clean up the act.

  4. Democrats cannot and will not debate and talk about the issues because they have nothing to say. Any time you bring up an issue they respond with"Oh yeah?? Well what about that time-"and bring up a totally off the wall subject. Sandy Hook? What in the heck did it have to do with the issue on your blog? The Democrats are running on empty. And like cornered,rabid animals,they are lashing out. Not with reason,but with terrorism.

  5. I know I agree with above, dems and liberal dems won't reason or even listen to or accept the truth. I reminded my colleague at work about the fact that the policy about children and parents separated at the border when their parents break the law and enter illegally was in place back in 2006 under Bush and Obama and they never complained then, yet do now and make such a big deal, yet never did before. They are liars and hypocrites. Dems are the ones who won't listen to reason or truth and live in some lala land. Crazy world we live in now with them. I want law and order and all respecting our laws here. I do not think anyone coming into the USA illegal should ever have a pathway to citizens ship, ever, never ever!

  6. "Sandy Hook? What in the heck did it have to do with the issue on your blog?"

    This video and the subject material presented was created by Alex Jones, well known right wing conspiracy believer. He doesn't believe that Sandy Hook happened and he believes that a pizza shop was being used by Clinton and Podesta for human trafficking. No, seriously, he believes that.

    Lynn continues to post just about anything she can get from this nutcase simply because it slams liberals.

    It's fake news of the purest sort and something Lynn is really against...as long as it's coming from CNN or MSNBC...otherwise she gives it space on her blog.

  7. As I said, you brought up two conspiracy theories from Alex Jones that are off the wall. However, he is "right on" 90% of the time, IMO.
    Alex Jones is not a reporter therefore whatever he believes--is OPINION. You have yours. I have mine. Never the twain shall meet.

    And liberals and their ideas need to be exposed. You probably even like that nut case, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who just won in New York--the communist that wants to get rid of ICE and impeach 45. We have enough of you guys.
