Tuesday, June 12, 2018

De Niro - A Hollywood disgrace

The face and antics of a lunatic!

As someone tweeted--"It sounds like one classless psycho knows his audience."

Obviously, his mind has regressed as he must still be fantasizing about his roles in the psychological thrillers Taxi Driver (1976) and Cape Fear.

I wonder what he thinks today after the historic and great meeting in Singapore. Perhaps now he will shut the F*** up!


  1. Maybe the next Democrat in the White House will invite him in to the Oval Office and shake his hand, like Trump did with Ted Nugent....you know, the guy who threatened Clinton and Obama.

  2. Yeah, may be. I like some of Ted Nugent's quotes:

    "The government is so out of control. It is so bloated and infested with fraud and deceit and corruption and abuse of power."

    "If America is a nation of laws as we proclaim, then our immigration laws are part of the package."

    Democrats like to forget truth.

  3. Robert de Nirp- an angry, shrinking, little old man whose comments become less relevant each time he opens his mouth.

    It's time for him to act like a gentleman at his advanced age.

  4. Thanks for mentioning Mr Nugent, a patriot we like.

  5. Actors live in a fantasy world reciting words written for them,too many years of this has some serious side effects.

  6. He looks like a chimp.
