Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Crazy Democrats threaten to kill children of Republican Congressman and another one threatens Barron Trump

We have some crazy Democrats threatening the children of Republicans--

One man has just been arrested for actually threatening to murder the kids of a Republican congressman, and one glance at his Facebook page may provide some valuable insight into what the suspect truly loves

Read the rest of the story... about a Stuart, Florida man who threatened to kill the children of Congressman Brian Mast.

And now we have crazy Peter Fonda threatening Barron Trump:

Peter Fonda and Sony Pictures Classics are now facing backlash after the actor suggested in a tweet that someone “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles and see if mother will stand up against the giant a-hole she is married to.” [The Wrap]


  1. This never happened when Obama was President!!!

    Except when Ted Nugent did it and then got an invite to the Oval Office by the next president.

    But other than that time, never!

  2. What drama queens! How exaggerated are their tantrums and need to bring up the x president.

  3. Hanoi Jane's brother is outing Hollywood perverts with this attack on our president's son. The child star system provided a supply of fresh victims for the pedophiles among them and no-one said anything for years.

  4. Fonda needs to be locked up.
