Thursday, June 14, 2018

CBS reports unsubstantiated rumor

CBS reports on rumor, not fact.

The home of Anderson Cooper, this is just a small example as to why no one trusts the main stream media anymore. CBS did nothing to confirm or deny--never contacted the principal on whom they reported. All they did was put out a salacious rumor affecting a prominent person in the Trump administration.

Read about the fake news...


  1. This is horrible and a perfect example, that is why I do not watch CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC and others when they start this one sided stuff and fake news it is a real turn off. I never watch CBS anymore or any of the news in the morning now, I prefer watching Joel Osteen, Beverly Hillbillies, I Love Lucy, and My Three Sons instead of all these lies they put out each morning.

    CBS should repent and stop this!

  2. Sarah Sanders is a great example of a strong woman. Thank you ,Sarah.The American people know who is lying and who is not. Bad news for the Democratic News Outlets.
