Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Barbara Jean's Memorial Tree

Last Friday at 9am, there was a tree planting for our departed friend, Barbara Jean. I had to miss it because of a class so I went there yesterday to find it.

If you are on South Lakeside, park right past 3rd Avenue South and walk through to Bryant Park.

Directly to the left as you enter the park, you will see her memorial tree with the plaque. This loving  plaque will be up for a short time, so if you have a chance to pay your respects, go and say "hi" to Barbara Jean. I bet she is saying, "I can hear your loving thoughts and I am ok, Hon."

Barbara Jean will love this tree. Below is what it will look like fully grown, beautiful, just like Barbara.


  1. You missed a once-in-a-lifetime memorial to a departed friend because of a class.

    Wow. Some friend you are.

    Stay classy.

  2. Again, anonymous at 11:12, you don't have the facts. I was told about this days before the event. My class was reserved and paid for 2 months ago. So, sadly and unfortunately I missed it but I did make it over there and blogged about it.
    So, thanks once again for all your stupidity and hate. Did you attend? Thought not.

  3. I didn't know about it. If I had, I would have attended. By the way, anonymous above, the tree will grow. It will always be there for Barbara Jean until it too dies.

  4. Beautiful tree in memory of a beautiful lady! Thank you ,Lynn for the pictures.

  5. 11.12 is one of those bullys that never grew up.you have so much hate you are triping over it on the streets

    what is the name of that beautiful tree

    Handroanthus impetiginosus

  7. And Barbara Jean always blew the pink trumpet of peace and love.

    GOD REST HER SOUL and thank God for the inspiration of her life. We were blessed to have her influence in our lives.

  8. "They planted a memorial tree for the lovely Barbara, my bestie. Too Jay's had a $5 off lunch special going so I wasn't able to attend..."

  9. @9:48--You have to be the most hateful person in this city. I have deleted all of your other crap on this subject.
    And again, did you even go to her funeral service?
    Did you go to the tree planting? Or were you working or sitting in front of your computer dreaming up hateful things to say to me?
    God took a wonderful person. You are still here. Be happy. Oh that's right--you don't believe in God...probably why you are the way you are.

  10. Lynn I found the tree,,,thanks for posting.
