Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Antifa looks to shut down ICE

Everything they are and everything they stand for reminds me of some people I know who live right here in Lake Worth. "No one is illegal,"  they cry. I have heard this on many occasions even from a former commissioner who spoke just last night at the city commission meeting urging the commission not to allow cooperation with ICE..

The organization describes itself as “anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-sexist” and is “committed to building and supporting the popular revolt of all oppressed people against the exploitative system of capitalism.”

This is what we are fighting folks--open border communists willing to bring down our democracy.



  1. That former Commissioner has a fence around her property and I'm sure she keeps her door locked.

  2. really tired of these anti this and anti that telling me I'm immoral with my beliefs I don't tell them they are all wrong.they do not talk for us so knock it off.get over it your crook lost and one of these days you will to
