Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Another major victory for Conservatives

Supreme Court rules non-union workers cannot be forced to pay fees to public sector unions--5/4 decision

1 comment:

  1. Good, they should never obligate anyone. The problem with the unions today, like we have at work are they do very little for the workers, usually live high on the hog, yet give little back for all those union dues. Most don't like that. Too, if you work at a satellite branch of the job, they never come or do anything for the employees from afar. Many years ago they used to give back and you saw some of your money in action given back to you, today you don't. They don't even push or make admin evals anymore of do much for the good of the job. It should always be optional. Most of the time, they are self serving, and do things that don't help all members.
