Sunday, June 10, 2018

Alice Marie Johnson

Alice Marie Johnson received clemency this week from President Trump for a non-violent first offense and walked out of prison a free woman for the first time in over 21 years. No one has any idea how many lives were ruined or how many died from these drugs that were distributed with her help.

At the time, "the indictment described Johnson as the head of the multi-million dollar cocaine ring, and detailed dozens of drug transactions and deliveries. Evidence presented at trial showed that the Memphis operation was connected to Colombian drug dealers based in Texas. Johnson was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1997." [Wikipedia]

Although she was convicted of being a drug kingpin, now she is free. Good for her. We all believe in giving people second chances. And her family, as grateful as they appear or as grateful as they should be, now are starting a fund to raise $$$$$ for her. Freedom is not good enough. It's not free.

Go Fund me


  1. I agree and was talking to someone from my church yesterday, he goes by the name of Sugar Bear and does religious cartoons and posts them around LW. I told him the same thing that President Trump should be praised for doing what he did for this lady, and especially by Democrats who say they support these types of people. President Trump has done so much while in office, but so many refuse to recognize all he has done for us as Americans. Sugar Bear agreed with me. People do deserve second chances, especially ones that have reformed. We could be doing this for many who are in jail currently. I am really proud of our President for a lot he has done, and I am tired of all the criticism and hate the other side constantly shows. They just keep digging their own grave.

  2. I know Sugar Bear--have not seen him in months, and months.

  3. second chance raiser NO .get a job like those of us who never sold drugs

  4. Well, come to Sacred Heart Catholic Church at the 4pm service on Saturdays, Sugar Bear is always there at this mass. We see him every week. He always has a smile on his face and a passion for life although he is in a wheelchair and has a lot of bladder infections and health issues. He is a wonderful human being we both agree that abortion and the death penalty are wrong and that only God should decide when we die, not other human beings. He is a true blessing and friend, one can learn so much from this man. He has had a second chance too and always talked about how blessed he is. God bless him always!

  5. God bless Bear, an exemplary human being with a wonderful sense of humor and artistic talent.
