Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Trump Reverses Obama's prison guidelines on transgenders

Trump Scraps Obama-Era Rule on Prison Housing for Transgenders

This is going to drive some liberals bonkers especially in this city--Personally I am concerned about this and have mixed feelings on this subject. Perhaps separate cell blocks for men and women transgenders? Prisons are full of violent people and no one should be subjected to more than they deserve by just being sentenced in the first place.

Four biological women prisoners in Texas filed a law suit--they say it is cruel and unusual punishment as well as a violation of their bodily rights, to have biological men sharing their cell and bathroom.

President Trump is reversing Obama's guidelines..

Barack Obama set down guidelines mandating that prisons house inmates according to gender identity, allowing transgender men and women access to the cell blocks and bathrooms of their choice. President Trump has now totally reversed these guidelines.[ConservativeZone]

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