Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Trump administration wants to arrest mayors of sanctuary cities

Trump FINALLY Going After Broken Immigration Laws And The Sanctuary Cities Who Defy Orders

According to News Week, the Department of Justice is considering subjecting state and local officials to criminal charges if they implement or enforce so-called sanctuary policies that bar jurisdictions from cooperating with immigration authorities.


  1. Good, let them arrest the ones in Lake Worth who want the city to be a sanctuary city. They should arrest some of these priests here too who support and push all of this too. Many of the churches here like Sacred Heart Catholic Church attract so many of the illegals here in LW and around the country, they get more money this way, it is all about money more than the people though. Churches today are a huge scam and most are not doing what they used to do. Joel Osteen is the only church that seems real true, giving hope and never judging, keeping people Christ centered and being good people. Most priests of organized religions today are horrible, they are a scam, only in it for their $45K salary, having maids, working an hour a day, and leaving their poor counties behind to come here. Their is no humility in the local Catholic churches anymore, most priests drive Lexus or other luxury cars and have maids and servants and give one mass a day, they never go to hospitals or help out in the community anymore, they are all off jet-setting, so sad.
