Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Tattoo Parlor - Ying, Yang and Bling in downtown Lake Worth?

Well, it may not be the 1950's mayor and I am from a different era, I still don't like a tattoo parlor in our downtown. It's insane. I don't like it any more than I like a Vape shop.We have enough crap down there without attracting people who want a tattoo.

And I don't care if you or anyone else has a little butterfly tattooed on your ankle, that is not the point. Sorry, these kind of businesses often times attract the sorriest of people. And it's on Lake Avenue in our downtown to take advantage of those who have that drunken impulsiveness (which is why many tattoo parlors are open late and why many people get tattoos).

I agree with Andy Amoroso, again, and Scott Maxwell on this one.

Is it possible to get some class in our downtown?  A place where tourists will want to visit and spend some time and money? A tattoo parlor catering to the biker or body piercing crowd?--Come on, mayor--I can see it now.

As a local resident said, "The city wonders why there is so much crime and so few paying any taxes--we're attracting the wrong crowd, on purpose."

Read about it...


  1. Boozers and bikers, not my thing. How about some nice shops. Nothing wrong with the 50's Pam. Back then we had a department store. It was great and still there in the 70's.

  2. A tattoo parlor will go along with our Zombie reputation, BLOOD.

  3. guess some of you dont get out much.the days of the sailor are a lot of people get tattoos .some for a child that has passed,some to show their faith.some of this is real art even though I wont get all bitching about a tattoo store ruining your lake ave.i think the shit store by starbucks is worse.think about it store with sidewalk clean or the other way

  4. We get out just fine. Just don't like the trash

  5. Gosh, you are all so clueless, just go to any gym, most people young and old are plastered with tattoos from head to toe, it is an addiction almost. Tacky! Most people who get tattoos are insecure and have to follow trends and fades and have to feel better by following what everyone else does. It is all insecurity, pop culture crap, and tacky! Not good for a city or dwtn and you are right Lynn, now all the drunks having it there. not smart pam! Don't you go to church sometimes?

  6. Well, it is just the population of the city anyway, just go to Dollar General on Lakeside between Lake and Lucerne. The majority of the people who are going there are buying cigarettes, booze, and junk food, that is the type of clientele this store attracts too. Lake Worth have any class? Are you kidding? It is like living in a hood in almost the entire city. She ain't pretty!

  7. talk about being insecure and following fads.i see a lot of that here.everything is not your way pure clean .we know a lot of tattoo artists and they are good people.too bad you all have to label your neighbors before you know them

  8. Not labeling per se--Just think this sort of establishment is better suited on Dixie Highway or in another area. So happy you know a LOT of tattoo artists...I don't know one.

  9. I don't know one and don't want to know one nor anyone with a tattoo, the majority of people who get tattoos are insecure and have to feel like part of pop culture to be accepted. It is just another addiction, no different than smoking, boozing, or drugging yourself. I would never have a friend or associate with people who get tattoos, sorry that you judge me too because of this. There is no reason anyone needs to deface their body God gave them. I guess I am labeling, it is disgusting and a huge insecurity the way I see it. We all have our opinions and have a right to them, they may be good people to you, I want nothing to do with anyone with a tattoo, period. Sorry it bothers you so much, we are all different. Planet Fitness says they are a judgement free zone, yet they have a Lunk alarm and don't want lunks there, I guess there is a lot of hypocrisy, I have just noticed that the majority of people I have ever seen or met with tattoos are extremely insecure people ad attention seekers. I don't like being around insecure people or people looking for attention, I do not care how much ART they have on their bodies. Sorry if it offends you dear.

  10. Google says that "people get tattoos for many reasons: for attention, self-expression, artistic freedom, rebellion, a visual display of a personal narrative, reminders of spiritual/cultural traditions, sexual motivation, addiction, identification with a group or even drunken impulsiveness (which is why many tattoo parlors are open late) ..."

    How late will this tattoo parlor be open until?

    It does seem like a lot of people have an addiction to tattoos and to use as a conversation starter. Attention seeking and insecurity reasons seem to be tops. I just do not find it attractive nor inviting when you go into the McDonald's here and the young lady behind the counter taking your order is plastered with tattoos all over her arms. I thought most jobs did not want to hire or have people exposing their tattoos? The Breaker's and most banks don't allow it, yet McDonald's and many other places do now, it looks awful and so unattractive. Not nice to look at.

  11. So Lynn are you saying pam the mayor has a tattoo? Is that photo here of her? I did not know this. It just says something about a person when they get a tattoo, that type of person just is such a turn off for me. Addictions and insecurities are something that are a real turnoff when someone has to stoop to that level, it says something about them, I think you know what I mean. Thanks I agree not in DWTN, somewhere else. Lynn you should take a survey on here of what percentage of people approve of tattoos.

  12. No--sorry I did not make that clear--I don't know if the mayor has a tattoo--she's just in favor of this business in our downtown.

  13. Not a good move for LW! What is next? Maybe a topless bar, lap dance club, or gay bathhouse or sex club? Maybe they can put a gay bathhouse or sex club in the old Hummingbird Hotel. Another business idea for andy boy:-)!

  14. Peters is trying to ruin the downtown by renting to trash so that the property values will go down and he can buy for cheap.
    Gee,why don't they have any tattoo parlors in Palm Beach??

  15. Maybe that is a good idea and then all the gays would not have to drive down to Ft. Lauderdale anymore.

  16. Reading the comments one can see the reason illegals come here and in one generation have a better more successful life then Americans who have been here for 5-8 generations. Blabbering uneducated losers!

  17. Saw a woman in her 50's with tats all over her thighs, didn't look the same as when they were first applied in her 20's, they were atrocious.

  18. I agree with you Lynn about the illegals and the tattoos! Nasty and not right. Pay your fair share of taxes and do things legally, not lawless and evading taxes or coming into my country illegally. The Bible even says not to deface your body, God doesn't want us to do it. Why is it that most of the immigrants that come to the USA are mostly selfish and greedy people only thinking about themselves. Go to World Thrift and see it in action by the immigrants there, not fun!


  19. Well the girl working at the LW McDonald's all covered with tattoos all over her arm didn't look too pretty now either. It just looks so bad to see this when you go into a store or restaurant here and the cashiers are plastered with tats all over their arms, necks, face, any body part you can see, not pretty at all, yes, atrocious! Do people really think this looks nice?

    Anonymous said...
    Saw a woman in her 50's with tats all over her thighs, didn't look the same as when they were first applied in her 20's, they were atrocious.
    May 24, 2018 at 11:31 AM

  20. So the city's budget review uncovered the fact that out utility company is in trouble financially. This after announcing rate-parity in time for the local election. And you are worried about a tattoo parlor on Lake Ave. Priorities?

  21. Everything done and every decision made is a priority to me. It should be for all residents. It ALL affects our quality of life.

  22. Lynn, it sounds like they are one of those blabbering uneducated winners making Lake Worth great again siding with pam and the other tat lovers who think this type of business is appropriate downtown. That is why the city is the way it is today, greedy corrupt elected raping the citizens and a poor with hue salaries and perks, blighted and crime infested neighborhoods full of illegals, abortion lovers, and welfare cases living off the government. That is all LW has become now. Then you wonder why 80% rent here and most live off the government and get help paying their electric bills anyway, this person is likely one of them, so it doesn't really matter. Why is it that most poor and uneducated people spend whatever money they have on cigarettes, booze, drugs, lottery tickets, junk food, and live off the government for anything else? So sad.

    Anonymous said...
    So the city's budget review uncovered the fact that out utility company is in trouble financially. This after announcing rate-parity in time for the local election. And you are worried about a tattoo parlor on Lake Ave. Priorities?
    May 24, 2018 at 1:07 PM

  23. Why is it that when you are paying at the supermarket and the person paying in front of you is using ebt/foodstamps and all their groceries are junk food and food that is not very healthy for a person? Why doesn't the government put restrictions on what you can buy with foodstamps? Like they do with WIC? They should only allow fruits and vegetables, whole and natural foods and no junk or processed foods or sodas and trash. The government allows the poor to just keep getting fatter and more unhealthy due to the food stamps that give and allow an anything goes with them. That is not right. The same welfare recipients are the ones getting all the tattoos too, where do they get the money to get the tattoos and cigarettes and booze, yet cannot afford food?

  24. The last time I saw someone use that government card they were buying steak and lobster. It stayed in my mind because it is something I don't buy for myself--too expensive.

  25. Lynn, I know you said that pam supported this tattoo parlor in the downtown, do you know if she received any campaign monies from these owners of this tat parlor when she was running for re-election? The public needs to know the truth and connect the dots as to why someone like her who you would think is supposed to be educated to allow this in the dwtn.

  26. I agree, I know my husband always complains about that store too how bad it looks in downtown with all those clothes and stuff hanging up outside like that, it looks tacky and doesn't make the dwtn look very nice or professional.

    Anonymous said...
    guess some of you dont get out much.the days of the sailor are a lot of people get tattoos .some for a child that has passed,some to show their faith.some of this is real art even though I wont get all bitching about a tattoo store ruining your lake ave.i think the shit store by starbucks is worse.think about it store with sidewalk clean or the other way
    May 23, 2018 at 5:06 PM
