Monday, May 21, 2018

The Seditious Conspiracy to bring down a president

John Brennan issues veiled threat to Ryan and McConnell if they don’t stop President Trump, because he knows his ass is grass and Donald Trump is a lawnmower

Don't you love that headline? I love the way this guy writes. The only people who don't love it are flaming liberals, feminists and other liars. We hear from them from time to time on this blog and they actually believe I will post their deceptions.

Read the article...


  1. This non elected POS really thinks that he has the right to tell the President of the United States what to do???? Actually I guess he and the rest of the treasonous pigs at DOJ and FBI think that they do. Drain the swamp Mr President!

  2. Somebody needs to get you some serious help. Being completely serious, my Mom finally came to realize she is crazy when she came back to her senses while crouched on top and in the middle of the dining room table with tin-foil wrapped around her head. Her mental illness drove a wedge between us and we were estranged for 10 years. Schizophrenia is a terrifying condition, especially when it affects your loved ones. I hope someone can help you.

  3. It's a shame that you abandoned your own mother in her time of need. I guess she realized she gave birth to a total nut job and that drove her to her condition.
    This blog knows what's real and what's imaginary. You don't.

  4. Hey 8:15- MAGA. Play back the videos of election night. Trump is making America better. Stock up now on beer,chips and toilet paper because after the Republicans sweep the mid terms in a glorious red tide, you are going to be to traumatized to leave the house. Better start knitting some pink pussy hats for you and your fellow LOSERS to cry into.

  5. Lynn reports on the events of the day. The only help she needs is to be reminded to delete your snarky and irrelevant comments.

    Liar Brennan is under the same mistaken impression as leaker., liar Comey that he is virtuous savior of America when he actually is a flagrant violator of our laws, in addition to being personally distasteful.

    He is nervous that the facts of his criminal endeavor are coming to light and orange will be his new favorite color.
