Thursday, May 24, 2018

Snopes Fact-Checker Exposed

Snopes Fact-Checker EXPOSED As a Failed Liberal Blogger and Downright FRAUD

Snopes, on many occasions, has been annoying through the years but this article shows you the left-leaning bias. Can we trust anyone to give accurate accountings other than Fox, the number one cable news channel?

Read about it...


  1. Oh, yes....a "staff editor" at an unknown far right blog links to a 2016 Daily Caller post as DEFINITIVE PROOF that Snopes is a fraud.

    Lynn, if a guy in a Trump shirt walks up to you on the street and wants to give a $20 million piece of property on the ocean for $1000 cash, don't do it.

    On second thought, do it. If it stops you from writing this garbage, I'm all for it.

  2. LOL--what can I say--you are 100% liberal and Trump hater. If the sun comes up in the morning you wouldn't believe it unless a Democratic scientist confirmed it. That's how absurd you all have become. What will you do when the FBI informants come forward to report on the corruption within the FBI with Comey and McCabe? Tthe Deep State is running out of time to get rid of Trump.

  3. Snopes-two fat asses on a couch in a basement. With a cat.

  4. What about

  5. Good, I am glad they finally are exposed. They are liars and do not expose the truth, thinking they are only right. My liberal dem associate at works thinks Snopes is all that. Snopes has denied someone their childhood and loss of their mom and becoming a doctor and starting a cancer wing and have a teacher who made a real difference in his life. Snopes is run by humans and humans error and show partiality and pushing their democratic liberal views on everyone else. I am so fed up with people doing this at my work. Why can't anyone be conservative anymore and be respected for having conservative views?

  6. Deep State!

    Green Cheese on the Moon!

    Alabama State Police Arrest People With Blank Ballots!

    3 Million Illegals Voted In The 2016 Elections!

    I love this blog and the Trumpsters that visit.

  7. Glad we can make your day. Now all you have to do is switch over to Fox News and get smart.

  8. San Diego area had 140% of population registered to vote in last election. Proximity to Mexico may have skewed legality of voters.
    Is this why Clinton did swell in California?
