Sunday, May 13, 2018

Sneaky John and Iran

John Kerry was seen in Paris pussy footing around with Iranian diplomats after it was leaked that Iran will start naming names of those involved in bribery in the bad Iranian deal. This all could get very interesting.  When you have $150 billion going to Iran, nothing would surprise me here.

As Thomas Madison said, "This is what happens when you make deals with thugs and terrorists. No honor among whores. “Traitor John” (Kerry) was heard by an eavesdropper at a nearby table “blasting” President Trump while meeting with the Iranian diplomats. If Kerry’s meeting with officials of a sworn enemy is not treason, then we should certainly abolish 18 U.S. Code § 2381.


  1. Iran can not be trusted. It is a terrorist state. Didn't Kerry learn anything?

  2. This is journalism today, someone overheard something, weak.
    Any news on Trumps personal attorney Cohen?
    Drain the swamp!
