Monday, May 28, 2018

Quote of the Day - James Clapper, the Liar and the Leaker

"Obama had NO KNOWLEDGE Of FBI Spy. Trump should be thankful we were Spying On His’s a good thing there was an FBI informant in the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election cycle, and that President Trump should be glad an informant was embedded there."

~ James Clapper
Former Director of National Intelligence under Obama


  1. So the full text of the quote from the interview is here:

    BEHAR: "So I ask you, was the FBI spying on Trump's campaign?"

    CLAPPER: "No, they were not. They were spying on, a term I don't particularly like, but on what the Russians were doing. Trying to understand were the Russians infiltrating, trying to gain access, trying to gain leverage or influence which is what they do."

    BEHAR: "Well, why doesn't [Trump] like that? He should be happy."
    CLAPPER: "He should be."

    The quote that you use is from a Trump tweet in which he misquotes Clapper. The tweet was fact checked by the NY Times and determined to be false. Here:

    Politifact also determined it to be false here:

    So the question is whether you will print this comment and let your readers decide for themselves using all the facts.

  2. What a bunch of nut jobs. Seriously. I want to see them all wearing orange.

  3. The New York times checked it out? Politifact? All left-wing biased slants to everything Trump FAKE NEWS. Thanks for sharing.

  4. So don't believe them, Lynn. Your choice.

    But read the full text of the quote as it was made in the interview and you'll plainly see that Trump misquoted what Clapper said.

    If you still go with the quote that you got from somewhere (it sure wasn't Clapper) then what you're saying is that you'll believe anything that Trump says no matter if it what was actually said or not.

  5. NY Times -fake news. They aren't even news. They are a propaganda wing of the Democratic party. They KNOWINGLY lied and ACTIVELY participated in the largest cover up in American history!

  6. The conversationn between Clapper and Behar has been on TV regularly and his ridiculous statement that he does not like the term spy show what a dishonest con he is, and of course Behar is a well known member of the Trump derangement syndrome army.
    As a person who has spent much of his life in intelligence his objection to the term spy is unbelievable BS.

  7. One of the problems with today's discourse is that someone Trump doesn't like could say something like, "Tomorrow is Tuesday."

    Trump would say, "Person said that tomorrow was Saturday. He's wrong!"

    Politifact and other fact checkers would review the tape and determine that person actually did say that tomorrow is Tuesday.

    Trump followers would wrongly quote person as saying "Tomorrow is Saturday" citing Trump's quotes and calling Politifact and the other fact checkers "liberals" or Hillary lovers and would go on believing that person said that tomorrow is Saturday simply because Trump said so.

    That's some dangerous logic and thinking.
