Friday, May 25, 2018

Project Veritas on Child Abuse

Ohio Teachers Union Presidents Defend “physical, sexual, verbal” Abuse of Children: “S**t happens”


  1. No to sexual abuse,but think back on your teachers! We(the boys anyway) got sent to the office for Whacks if they misbehaved! One of my teachers used to walk around and thump you on the head if he thought you were not paying attention! Passed notes were captured and read out loud,much to the glee of the rest of the class. If there was a fight, the teachers broke it up . Period.No suspensions. Sometimes the teachers watched for awhile. Let the perps sock it out. But never let it get too far. And back in those days, most kids knew when they were the winner and would stop . IF,and I say IF, the parents were notified,the kids caught hell,not the teachers.The girls just verbally and mentally abused each other. We all survived just fine. But we didn't have the INTERNET and the rest of the horrifying stuff kids have to deal with now.

  2. It is not easy being a teacher today. That is why no one is going into teaching much any more. There is a huge teacher shortage and more and more the people in the classrooms are not qualified anymore. It is so sad. But teachers do not get the support they need mostly from parents, but also from admin., plus there is so much more to it like the problem with the new standards and FSA and all this testing. Soon and very soon, it is all going to be online they will have to phase out all brick and mortar schools due to all the issues, like shootings, discipline, and lack of teachers. So sad!
