Thursday, May 24, 2018

President Trump stands for Life


  1. I love this President and Vice President! I applaud them immensely for standing up for all life. Abortion is wrong. It is murder. I am sick and tired of some women thinking it is their body and they have the right to murder a child growing inside their body, they don't that is another life who has a right to develop and be born. So many women, lesbians, and feminists think they have the right to have an abortion. This says a lot about a society that allows an abortion. Please go to 40 days for life website and pray and get involved and stop abortion. Stop the death penalty, stop murdering anyone, we must stop all forms of murder, we need to respect all forms of life from conception to a natural death. I am so glad that the President stands for life and doesn't want abortion in the USA. We as a humane loving society must STOP ALL abortion!

  2. Abortion doesn't only kill an innocent living create who is unborn. It kills the soul of the women getting the abortion, it causes a lot of psychological problems and trauma for them for the rest of their life. There is nothing positive about abortion.

  3. Abortion is murder and is wrong!

  4. I have never been able to understand or figure out the mentality of democrats when they support abortion, yet don't want the death penalty. It makes no logical sense, a poor unborn child helpless in a whom is supported by them to be murdered or aborted and killed, yet someone who as killed someone else they feel should not face the death penalty because they think it is cruel. There just is not logic to it. Someone who killed someone well you may think it is fine to then kill them for taking a life. But an unborn child helpless and innocent who never even got to breath is murdered, I do not understand democrats in this logic, why they support abortion but don't want the death penalty. Both by the way are forms of murder and wrong. I don't like how some republicans fight to end abortion, yet they still support the death penalty, both are wrong and murder and if you truly are a Christian, you would not support abortion or the death penalty, as both are wrong and murder. As human beings we do not have the right to take another life, that should all be left up to God. Think about it people!

  5. Please go 45th Street in front of the abortion clinic there on the other side of the street in the parking lot people meet regularly there to pray and say the rosary to end abortion. They do this all around the country, 40 days for life, they have saved and changed young women's' minds and preventing many from aborting innocent babies. Please pray to end abortions in this country. Please go to 45th street abortion clinic and pray.

  6. It was so great to hear this morning on the news that in Ireland they are stopping all abortions in the country. The only abortion that will be allowed is if the mother is at risk, that is it. Abortion must stop in this world, think about all these innocent children murdered because of it. If you are a true Christian you need to take a stand to end abortion here in the USA.
