Saturday, May 19, 2018

President Trump on Kim Jong un

President Trump said, if Kim Jong relinquished North Korea’s nuclear weapons, he would not face attempts at regime change.

Sounds like a good idea to me and surely to the rest of the world!

Kim “will get protections that will be very strong” if he cuts a deal. “He’d be in his country and running his country. His country would be very rich,” Trump said.


  1. I may be the exception but I think it's good that we are making friends with North Korea and Russia. It's long past the time that we start trusting and reaching out to the world. We need to be more welcoming to all these different countries because if we are friends with everyone, chances are there will be peace. All Obama did was treat Putin and Kim with suspicion. How can we make any progress in the world unless we embrace them and have the confidence that they will do the right thing?

    If Obama would have been nicer to everyone like Trump is, chances are Trump wouldn't have had to come in to the mess he did.

    God bless Trump and the work he is doing. Hopefully, his work will continue in places like Cuba, Iran and Venezuela...we all need to be one family in the world.

  2. GOD BLESS 3.05.we need more prayer of all beleifs and more love for all our flags.stop the complaining and lets work together to get peace rolling.GO TRUMP
