Saturday, May 26, 2018

President Trump keeps on winning!

Trump Frees American Prisoner Held in Captivity for 2 Years

Many people have been involved in this release of Josh Holt, a Mormon missionary from Utah. He will be back in Washington D.C. tonight.

Read about it...


  1. Instead of a report on this great achievement by out president, "Sunday Morning" is doing a long segment on Hollywood "celebrities" growing and branding recreational marijuana. Bragging about how much money they'll make while wrecking society.

  2. It is incredible all the stuff Pres. Trump has done for us in the USA since taking office. Wow, so much, he has been making such a difference and yet all these crazy liberals just keep knocking him, like that crazy Maxine waters lady and schummer and pelosi, they are all nuts! We should all be thanking Pres. Trump for so much he has done, the news is horrible. Fox News is the only news that points out the truth.
