Friday, May 4, 2018

Oh No!

Shooting/Stabbing. Person shot, trauma alert, req Medevac

Type:    Shooting
Date:    05/03/2018 10:26 AM

Read about it...


  1. Mike Bornstein hides the crime in Lake
    Worth. Why?

  2. It's unfortunate that two men, in a fight, with guns, or whatever means, should require the enormous response that attended Thursday's altercation. I happened to be returning from Lantana, and to see the amount of resources employed by the Sheriffs' office, you would have thought at the very least there was a gang war, or a gas explosion involving an entire block. When I heard it was just two men in a fight, I was stunned.

    I am not blaming the police, I am blaming the times we live in.

  3. Seems this wouldn't have happened without our illegal community entrenched here.

  4. If anything goes missing from my yard (as happened with some lawn ornaments in Jensen Beach) I know it’s my whacked out neighbor’s doing, not some illegal person. She’s done it before!!

  5. get the cars out of the police parking lot and patrol.everyone complains about a cop not going into a school this town looks like the same thing.never see a cop till something happens then they all show up together,guess that's called covering each others back.what about our backs that we pay to be covered

  6. 9:52pm that may be true but we don't need the additional drain on our communities; policing and cleaning up messes made by illegals AND our native criminals and wackos. We pay these hospital bills and court costs, jail housing for criminals or hotheads who shouldn't be here. Mexico gets no flack for not helping these people who pass by on their way here illegally. This is more severe than an ornament.

  7. I don't know that the 1100 block of S. Federal is populated with illegals. Can anyone substantiate that?

  8. Where do you live 1:05pm? If it's LW open your eyes, I stand in line to pay gas with my neighbors: MS13.

  9. There are no gas stations on Federal Highway in Lake Worth. Not until you get to Lake Avenue, and there is one on Lucerne. The 1100 block of S. Federal is mostly apartments, and some offices. A few single family homes in the area. You may be thinking of Dixie Hwy.

  10. Federal Hwy and Lucerne is LW. There's a gas station there on the corner. Is the address Lucerne or Federal? Who cares. Only 11 blocks south is where this occurred. Same neighborhood.

  11. And 6 miles north is Mar a Lago. It's a small world after all!
