Monday, May 21, 2018

Lake Worth to be Quite Zone for trains

May 21, 2018

Contact:          Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer
Phone:            561.586.1631

MEDIA ADVISORY            Lake Worth Quite Zone Press Conference            MEDIA ADVISORY
  • WHO: The City of Lake Worth
  • WHAT: Mayor Pam Triolo will be announcing the start of Lake Worth being a Quiet Zone for rail traffic and the safety measures that have been put in place
  • WHEN: May 21, 2018 | 2:00pm
  • WHERE: Lake Worth Commission Chamber, City Hall, 7 North Dixie Hwy, Lake Worth Fl, 33460
  • WHY: The City of Lake Worth has been approved to become a Quiet Zone for Rail Traffic starting May 21, 2018. From this date trains travelling through the City will only use their horn in case of an emergency or to notify workers on the line. This means that trains will approach crossings in silence which increases risk to those travelling near the tracks.

VISUALS:  The new quiet zone signage for rail crossings will be displayed and available to photograph

INTERVIEWS: Mayor Pam Triolo and City Staff will be available to answer media questions.

For more information please call Ben Kerr, Public Information Officer at 561.586.1631


  1. Thank God- I.m already sleeping better.

  2. I'll miss the sound of the trains. Also, I don't know why a freight train is expected not to have a warning signal. Some of the materials carried on these cars could wipe out a whole neighborhood. So what does this mean; we'll all die quietly?

  3. Quiet zones = disaster. The tracks are now poorly placed due to overbuilding in part.

  4. The idea that people get all stressed out over the sound of a train horn, shows just how weak the population has become.


  5. Do you live near a track, anonymous at 9:41?

  6. Normal people, that is people who actually have to get up and do something to earn a living, consider it an asset to live near a train station. Yes, I do, and always have, whether down here, or up north. The train conjures up images of romance and adventure. Only in the land of old people, is the train something to inspire fear and loathing.

  7. @9:57...most people like to drive their cars, not take trains. Most train tracks don't run through the middle of a town surrounded by homes waking people up all damn night. It might conjure up romance and adventure to you, (what a lot of hooie) but it is downright annoying to everyone living near them, young or old. Why do you always go after older people? Such discrimination. Hope you get "old" someday...perhaps then you might get a little wiser and your arrogance will diminish. Is Hillary old?

  8. 957

    I consider myself a normal person but when I am awakened at 6:50 by a brightline horn's obnoxious constant blast, I wonder how this activity can have been approved by our legislators.

    So happy it's finally stopped. Thanks to all who got it stopped!

  9. Lawrence; 6:50 is a good time to get up. Make yourself a cup of coffee and watch Squawk Box.
