Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Last night's Lake Worth City Commission Meeting

Only three commissioners were there last night. Hardy and Robinson were absent. It's difficult to get a full dais these days. I left early as they were going to make the public wait to make their comments as the commission wanted to discuss all the changes and their concerns to the LDR's first. There were over 400 pages to the back-up.

During public commentary at around 7:04 in this video (the beginning of the meeting and presentations were totally eliminated in the above video), Anthony DeMauro spoke. He was dressed in a three piece suit but said he was not prepared to speak in front of the commission. He said that he was versed in CBD and hemp in its relationship to medical marijuana on the business side and the medical marijuana side and that he can educate the city. His desire is to package something that can be bought at a gas station. He was bothered that he can't operate in Lake Worth, a city he was born in and has lived in all of his life even though he then said he was born in Boynton. I guess when you indulge in "funny" stuff, you can lose it.

Read about CBD

It's bad enough that this city wants to make our downtown a honky tonk,  now with a tattoo parlor on Lake Avenue. The only commissioner who would probably sympathize with Mr. DeMauro is Andy Amoroso who had to state for the record, again, that he is for marijuana, medical and otherwise.


  1. Why are we paying to send two commissioners to an urban planning conference when we have two city planners on staff? Its like sending them to a city law conference or a utilities conference. we're paying for their savannah vacation.

  2. There is a tattoo parlor there? Kidding, right?

  3. I am sure you all notice that we NEVER get a report from these commissioners on their trips. They don't have to inform the public about anything. I like the good old days when these trips came before the commission for approval. At least we knew what they were up to. But knowing this body, they would just put it on consent anyway.

  4. take their f--kin trips out of their theft of $500 a month car for tattoo shops let them in.some of these people smoking funny stuff want to make this an art city.a lot of these shops are called tattoo artist.i wont get a tattoo but there is some pretty good art in what they do
