Friday, May 25, 2018

House bill 997 - English will be the official language

English Language Unity Act of 2017

This bill establishes English as the official language of the United States, introduced by Rep. Steve King in February 2017. It's amazing that bills as important as this one, lingers on from committee to committee. Let's make this a law!

It states: Naturalization ceremonies and official functions of the U.S. government, subject to exceptions, must be conducted in English.

The bill declares that all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of U.S. laws.

A person injured by a violation of this bill may obtain relief, including a declaratory judgment, in a civil action.

English language requirements and workplace policies, whether in the public or private sector, shall be presumptively consistent with U.S. laws. Any ambiguity in U.S. laws shall be resolved in accordance with the rights retained by the people and the powers reserved to states under the Bill of Rights.

The Department of Homeland Security shall issue a proposed rule for uniform testing of the English language ability of candidates for naturalization based upon the principles that: (1) all citizens should be able to read and understand generally the English language text of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the laws of the United States; and (2) any exceptions to this standard should be limited to extraordinary circumstances, such as asylum.


  1. Agree. I'm sick of having to deal with shopkeepers who can't even speak English. Where is ICE?

  2. Just go to World Thrift most of the employees and shoppers are from other countries and no one speaks English. But that owner is making tons of money on donations and likely only gives 1% to a cause and is a multimillionaire. What a locura World Thrift is! They should call it Little Haiti & Guatemala! Why do those Haitian ladies talk so loudly and push and shove so much? Too much immigration to fast and too much all at once, it is all too much!

  3. No more Spanish speakers only as a job requirement!

  4. The Goodwill on Dixie in WPB is a better choice, the employees are friendly and polite, its clean and rarely do you see unattended children. Its less crowded and much less aggressive third world.

  5. That is a good name for that place up on Dixie, instead of World Thrift, it should be called Third World! It is a crazy lawless place, with so many Haitian ladies shouting and pushing and shoving. Not a fun place at all!

  6. I used to like going to World Thrift many years ago, they have 1/2 price on different colors each day, they used to have decent prices and fairly reasonable. Now, it is so expensive and almost intolerable to go there. It is very third world, the Haitian ladies shout and never move or let people pass by, the Guatemalans let their kids run crazy yelling, screaming, and on all the toys and running wild, but their parents never control them. It is a crazy place now and not fun to go to, don't go on Wednesday or Saturday, you will regret it. I am afraid someone is going to get hurt there some day, it really is a crazy place.
