Thursday, May 10, 2018

Fake News Russian Dossier and John McCain

"If you don't like that I turned in the dossier to the FBI then you can go to hell."

This is a man who is so bitter and full of hate, that he will go to his grave the same way.

Now, he's trying to derail Trump's appointment of Gina Haspel as CIA director all for his hate for Donald Trump.


  1. John McCain will go down in history as a truly great American. He received information about someone who potentially could be the next president and passed it on to the proper authorities. He saw something and said something, which is what we are all supposed to do. How can you hold that against him. Trump has consistently denied the allegations. There is not corroborating proof of dossier, at least in whole. Trump has also consistently denied the accusations against him regarding McDougal and Stormy when evidence tends to contradict his account.

    Trump did slam Sen. McCain early on because he became a prisoner of war and was tortured beyond our imagination and wouldn't leave the prison until his guys were freed. He is now and always will be America's finest.

  2. Yup--that's the line, but read the accounts from people who were there.

  3. "There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone."

    Sylvester Stallone

  4. Joe Biden has it right....

    "John McCain is a genuine hero -- a man of valor whose sacrifices for his country are immeasurable. As he fights for his life, he deserves better -- so much better. Given this White House's trail of disrespect toward John and others, this staffer is not the exception to the rule; she is the epitome of it."

    Common decency has become off limits to the Republican Party these few years. Being offensive, crude and vulgar is what they strive for. And if you speak up against it, they only shout you down further.

  5. Well, as usual, you are flat wrong. He was a pow and served his country but people have a right to challenge his hatred towards Trump. Democrats are blocking legislation and appointments because of politics and McCain is joining the obstructionists. McCain knows exactly what he's doing and why in spite of his sickness.

  6. Be Best, Lynn.

    Or at least try.

  7. And people can challenge Trumps' vitriolic comments towards others. It works both ways. Trump is not a King, and if you think he is, you are no more of a Conservative than a Russian Serf of the 19th Century.

  8. Why is that your comments get more and more ridiculous? Trump hater--go take a nap.
