Sunday, May 20, 2018

David Hogg and The Dumb and Dumber

David Hogg is against assault rifles. Herman Robinson, commissioner in Lake Worth is against them too. In fact, the entire Lake Worth Commission had a proclamation banning assault weapons--the dumb and dumber.

But--Santa Fe High School, which left 10 dead, was carried out with a pistol and a shotgun — firearms that even gun-control advocates generally regard as utilitarian.


  1. And....

    ...what's your point?

  2. LOL. You don't know. "Cut and paste" Lynn just throws bombs and has no idea what it all means.

    Maybe Powdered Wig can help you out.

  3. 9:24--the only thing cut and pasted here is David the idiot Hogg's tweet.
    And Powdered Wig Society writes exactly the way I think...99.9999% of the time.
    For you to get helped out, read some of his stuff.

  4. 8-18 is just one of dem dumb dem who wants to take your guns and your life.i dont like what is happening but a little security at the door might have metal detectors at airports,court houses and if I'm not mistaken cvs has them

  5. We need to stop making our kids easy targets. Police stations don't get shot up.You can't stop crazy(if you could the Democratic party would be non-existent) but you can slow it down.Time for limited access,and metal detectors at all schools. Gun safety classes from kindergarten on up. Armed personnel in schools would also help.Sean Hannnity had a great idea-retired,trained police and ex-military get to pay no taxes if they work 20 or more hours in our schools.
    As for David Hogg ,the Petulant Piglet, I hope he keeps shouting at people.He and Nancy Pelosi are both wiping out any chance for the Dems in 2018.

  6. To the Lynn hater who just came over here--Don't bother posting again- I will DELETE every single one of your posts like that. Take it to the bank.

  7. to the Lynn hater--
    that's what you are. %-(

  8. The other issue not mentioned is there were TWO school resource officers on the property at the time of this shooting who did act properly and apprehended the twerp.

    It IS significant that the weapons used in this attack were a shotgun and a REVOLVER. Both used for home defense and regarded as utilitarian. Excellent point Lynn. So having armed guards at every school won't stop this. Banning "assault" weapons won't stop this. Single entry points with metal detectors could possibly help but when we are trying to increase pay for our teachers having to teach as well as worry about these types of threats, where does the money come from?

    But let's make sure God's law is not taught in our schools even though it is the basis from which our laws are derived.That would not make sense.

  9. Let's be honest: there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop this from happening. There have been too many guns sold and unless we make our schools like prisons, the crazies will continue to kill.

    The best thing we can do is make sure as many people as possible have guns so that when they hear of another school shooting we can all rush and take the shooter down. I'm even in favor of having a Student Marshal Program where students are sent to training and then carry guns in class. Until there are guns in every school room will less lives be lost. Only a good guy with a gun solves this problem, right? As soon as everyone knows that every single person out there has a gun and will shoot back will this madness stop.

    Remember, guns don't kill. But they will if they are in the hands of the good guys!
