Friday, May 18, 2018

Construction Agreements at Lake Worth Utility

Lake Worth Utilities workers upset with director over lack of work

What is going on?

The city is hiring six companies to do work for our Utility that employees say they can do. Andy Amoroso asked a lot of good questions--"don't we have staff that can do this work?" He wants to see that our own employees are added on to the six companies to do the work.  Approving this allows the contractors to be ready to do the work quickly according to the Electric Director, Ed Liberty.

A few employees spoke and they are very concerned that they are being bypassed--ignored--by not allowing them to do the work that they are qualified to do and have always done. Mr. Liberty has assured them that is not the case. These companies will be used for big projects when our employees are not available.

And Mayor, there was a lot of talk about selling our utility to FPL 6.5 years ago as you mentioned. The same people who talked about it then are still around and that idea has never been off the table. Of course, the city, as well as this commission (Robinson and Hardy exceptions) made it less saleable by upgrading to the 28.4kv which is non standard.

Read about the unrest...

The vote was 3/0 to approve.


  1. The employees feel like they aren't being utilized properly. What they feel is real. Bornstein wants to outsource everything.

  2. still outsourcing thought the city was broke.are they tapping the $40mil.really crappy how these asses tret our employes
