Thursday, May 3, 2018

Conspiracy against Trump by Swamp Rats

Former FBI Assistant Director: “I have no doubt” that Clapper and Brennan conspired with Comey and others to destroy and depose President Trump

The bombshell announcement was made several days ago  by former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom while being interviewed by Maria Bartiromo of Fox News.

Read about it...


  1. I love going back and looking at all the right wing "bombshells" that are dropped here and laughing at how none of them were true.

    Also, anyone else note how Lynn's comment boards go silent when she's not around? Next to no mean or ranting anonymous comments when she takes a break.


  2. Except for you, anonymous!!LOL. Actually I haven't written anything much. So, what are you trying to say???

  3. Posted from my Iphone...Don't know how to do this very well

  4. 1.42 must get off on thinking they are the only one out there.get over it YOU LOST AND ARE LOOSING.i will still pray for you

  5. Facts are coming out in the wash and Lynn keeps us current with developments in the sewer. Swamp is too nice a description of the FBI bunch that have been and are still illegally opposing our elected President.
