Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Arkady Babchenko was murdered today in Kiev --it was a hoax

Update: 5-30-18 The world fell for it--It was all a A STING Unfreaking believable. Who in the hell can you trust anymore?

5-29-18 Journalist Arkady Babchenko was murdered today

Babchenko said that he had written an unpatriotic post on Facebook that meant he had to flee Russia. He was scared for his life.

"I was already used to abuse, but my post about a Russian military plane crash sparked a frightening campaign against me."

~ Arkady Babchenko

Read his article... written in February 2017

Some people don't ever experience freedom. We are very lucky to be in the best country on Earth.


  1. I fear for America's journalists who are called out at Trump rallies and yelled at by the crowd. We are close to getting like Russia even to the point that a lot of people adore Putin. It's all just really weird.

  2. Babchenko was a JOURNALIST. The talking head wing of the Democratic party are not journalists. For you to even dignify these sycophantic lap dogs with the title of Journalist is an insult to the real Journalists around the world that risk their lives to get out the news. Not the fake Deep State directed bullcrap that Trump thankfully calls out! BTW where was your outrage when Kathy Griffin held up a model of a severed head of our President?

  3. @5:48--They are not journalists but left-wingers spouting the liberal rhetoric and hate. No one has much respect for these people today and they did it all by themselves.

  4. There's been a miracle! He was on a live news conference this morning.

  5. @10:01..I only feel that way about political left-wing hacks who think they're journalists. People who actually report the facts I have no problem with at all. And little terrorists like Hogg, don't even go there with me. A survivor? You would think he was in the same building, the same room. He's a smart azz wise guy. No one gives a crap about him other than other smart-azz wise guy liberals.

  6. It was a sting operation to capture his would be assassin. Reading comprehension is importants. Holy cow, Hoax! Lol!

  7. I think you're wrong, Lynn. Most Americans do sympathize with survivors of mass shootings, let alone those who survived a shooting in high school. There is a small percentage of the radicalized right that has characterized him as a punk and threatens to physically harm him but I think that's a small, sick segment of this country. Ironically, many of them call themselves Christians and worship regularly on Sundays.

    Russians who believe that journalists should be silenced because of their writings or beliefs are no different than anyone else who believes the same thing. I can guarantee that Russians feel as threatened by guys like Babchenko as you feel about any reporter or journalist from CNN or the New York Times.

    The radicalized right has transformed itself into the thing that scares it...and Americans are as united against them as they are their Russian colleagues.

  8. To 2:33 who continually comes over here using FALSE names...too cowardly to really identify her/himself.
    You are a typical liberal hoot! Get lost.
    I look silly? But you are the only one who actually IS silly...dangerous actually, parroting the liberal left. So nauseating.
    Write your own blog. Maybe someone might read it.
