Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A low-life dumped a pregnant dog on the side of the road

The driver sped away and the little dog was panic stricken. She kept crossing Lake Osborne Drive and running around the neighborhood, confused and alone.

It was a fun morning yesterday. At any given time, there were at least 4-5 PBSO vehicles as well as Animal Rescue and Control at the scene adjacent to where I live. We were told not to approach the poor, unfortunate animal that ran around for two hours determined not to be caught but in the end, she hid under a bush, tired and scared.

To the piece of trash who dumped her from his car, you are one miserable person--notice I did not say "human being." You are certainly one with zero humanity and I would think that the rest of your life will be tricky for you..


  1. Get a license tag number? This is a horrible deed.

  2. I wonder how old she is. She still has a chance for a good life. God Bless PBSO!
