Friday, April 13, 2018

Writer weaves Trump into his narrative about Amazon

On Wednesday there was a letter to the Editor of The Palm Beach Post about Amazon and the US Postal controversy. The letter writer weaved  President Trump and the entire GOP into his comment.

Yes, the Postal Department ideally should be run as a business but the United States Postal Service  shouldn't offer ridiculous discounts to a corporation such as Amazon when they are losing billions a year for years. This is all about the government protecting jobs and keeping costs down to the general public overall, not a multi-billion dollar corporation. There is a huge subsidy from the federal government to the postal department. Read about the subsidies. If there is a gripe, talk to your congressman. You are the only one spreading discourse and confusion or would you rather spend $3.00 to send a letter?

Amazon is now the world's third-largest retailer and ranks No. 83rd on Forbes' Global 2000 list of the world’s biggest and most powerful public companies. Amazon posted a record profit of $1.9 billion during the last three months of 2017, marking the 11th straight quarter of positive net income. The United States Postal Service, on the other hand, posted a net loss of approximately $5.6 billion for fiscal year 2016 and it continues to lose billions year-on-year.

There is no doubt that they should be paying more for postal service and stop taking advantage of the American taxpayer.

The Letter:
Amazon, post office run as businesses

Why waste time and print space on the supposed Amazon/post office controversy? Isn’t it President Donald Trump and the GOP who preach that government should operate as a business?

The only business of the Postal Service is as a delivery service. Don’t all businesses — corporate, personal or flea market — offer coupons, coupon codes, promos, bulk discounts, cut prices, sales, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day or Any Day deals?

But, OMG, a delivery service making a “delivery service deal”?

Sadly, I’ve observed that anyone that asserts the “I’m not a Trump supporter” defense into any conversation clearly indicates that they really are, and are again attempting to spread discourse and confusion among us. My fellow Americans, don’t fall for it.


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