Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Waffle House Shooter

Waffle House Shooter’s Guns Had Been Seized, Gun Control FAILED

While the anti-gun crowd would merely crow that this incident proves the need to ban and confiscate all firearms — as if that is even remotely possible — they will indeed double-down on their demands that more laws be imposed as they move toward the ultimate goal of the entire population being disarmed to prevent such tragedies.

Read more...at Conservative Tribune.


  1. I missed the part about how many mass shootings this kid committed while his guns were in the possession of the government and his father.

    Please advise.

  2. Yep...that's what I thought.

  3. Why don't you tell us, anonymous. And provide a link.

  4. Sure.

    Travis Reinking committed zero mass shootings while his guns were under the control of the government and/or his father. After that control was given back to Travis, he killed 4 people until James Shaw obtained control of the AR-15 and disarmed Travis.

    Gun control works. When you control the gun, the shooter has nothing to shoot with.

  5. Gun control would ensure that only criminals had guns. We need to do better at keeping guns out of the hands of criminals and those with mental problems instead of harassing the law-abiding.
    And anonymous, I guess you found out that this kid did not commit a bunch of mass killings as you suggested in your comment above...just one mass killing from a deranged person. I would want to be armed if some nut job came after me.

  6. You're a howl, Lynn. The question was a rhetorical question asked because it was obvious (to almost anyone who has been following the news) that he was involved with "just one" mass shooting.

    Sorry that it was over your head.

    Did you skip a day with your Geritol, hon?

  7. There was nothing "rhetorical" about your question. It was just plain stupid. I'm not a mind reader. So is your Geritol question. Liberals love to mock people. LOVE it. You won't make any points here with your wit and sarcasm.

  8. 4pm skipped a day of Gerber's stewed prunes
