Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tom Brokaw and the Me Toos

How did this get so out of control? Feminists and the Me Too Movement who hate men. What else can it be?

Sure, there are predators out there and men and women who abuse their power but the Tom Brokaw charge is just plain nuts. People flirt and men and women make passes in order to get to know each other. How far back do you want to take this?  I was sitting in 4th grade and some boy pulled my pony tail? What ever happened to due process in this country? 

This sickening crap has to stop as feminists are ruining men's lives and people in general are protesting anything and everything and literally crawling out of the woodwork. Men are afraid to even ask a woman out on a date now. And you women have done it to yourselves and to the rest of sane people everywhere.


  1. I agree but there are hate groups for everything now and they have taken over.

  2. Rather than #metoo, it should be #whocares
