Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Collusion: Robert Mueller and Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook is assisting Robert Mueller in his witch hunt

Facebook is working with special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Trump campaign interactions with Russian operatives during the 2016 election, company founder Mark Zuckerberg told Congress on Tuesday.

Mr. Zuckerberg first said his company had gotten a subpoena from Mr. Mueller, then paused and said he wasn’t sure if there was a subpoena but his company is sharing information the investigation.

Read more about it... at The Washington Times.

1 comment:

  1. Zuckerberg was enjoying the attention of this circus, if he rated women on their looks now like he did in college, he'd be #metooed out of business. Still that neglected boy no one wanted to date.
