Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Monday, April 9, 2018
Special Election April 10 - Tami Donnally needs your vote
This is a noble effort on the part of Tami Donnally and democracy in action. Everyone should have an opponent. No one should walk into office. Drew Martin believed that when he ran against Pam Triolo for mayor of Lake Worth.
Her opponent, Lori Berman, has made years of connections in Tallahassee when she was a state representative. She seized on the opportunity to run for state senate when Jeff Clemens (silly guy) resigned. She was going to be term limited anyway. Her financial reports indicate that she has $367,101.81 with many PACs and special interests giving a lot of money with $1,000 contributions from many.
Tami.Donnally has received 99.99% of her contributions from the grassroots and she received two large contributions of $1,000, one of which was from the Republican Party. She has reported $12,251.
So I urge every Republican and every conservative to get to the polls tomorrow that are opened from 7am to 7pm.
You can't win an election with no money but you can win if voters turn out to support a fiscally responsible conservative such as Tami Donnally. It could be a David and Goliath moment. Tami is who we need in Tallahassee.
Vote Donnally. Can't stand Berman.