Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Republican-Democrat Platforms


  1. can you imagine Hilary pres with this gun crap.she would find a way to use Obama powers and do away with 2nd amendment

  2. Blue wave? It's gonna be a blue ripple. Republicans are gonna wipe the floor with the lyin' libs in both the house and the Senate. Americans are pissed about corrupt asswipes in the federal bureaucracy giving Americans the middle finger by trying to nullify our election of Donald Trump.So watch out ,blue ripple snowflakes. You better trade in those pink pussy hats for some flotation devices because the Red Tide is gonna wash away whiners like you.

  3. Democrats have a zillion platform's just that you don't agree with any of them.

    Want to hear some?

  4. List a dozen of the zillion, please,

  5. - Raising worker's wages.

    - Expanding and improving affordable healthcare.

    - Protecting and expanding Social Security.

    - Making the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.

    - Guaranteeing the rights of women, people with disabilities and the LGBT community.

    - Protecting voting rights.

    - Protecting public lands and national parks.

    - Ending violence against women.

    - Providing quality and affordable education.

    - Addressing the effects of climate change.

    - Reducing corporate welfare.

    - Respecting ALL faiths and cultures.

    .....without even trying.

  6. 10:29 you must be a Republican. You just listed some of the reasons that we fellow Republicans elected Donald Trump.And some of the things that Donald Trump has accomplished in his first year in office. Imagine how much better American lives will be after seven more years of Trump.
