Thursday, April 19, 2018

Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong un

The Secret Meeting Between “Little Rocket Man” And The CIA

President Trump Tweeted: “Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed. Details of Summit are being worked out now. Denuclearization will be a great thing for World, but also for North Korea!”


  1. The words of Lynn, February 2009, when Obama was president:

    "What about OUR bankrupt country? Should that not be the priority? You are smart enough to know that you can NOT negotiate with terrorists or with a totalitarian Stalinist dictatorship, a country with one of the worst human rights records in the world. There is nothing normal about this country. You only can negotiate with moral, NORMAL people with a conscience. Past diplomatic efforts have been futile.

    US specialists must gauge just how much plutonium North Korea has produced - the key to assuring de-nuclearization. If we have to negotiate, then it must be from strength and all the facts. North Korea is a powerful player and keeping the lines of communication open is one thing, but sitting down at the same dinner table is another. They don’t have to adhere to Sunshine Law.

    North Korea is one of the “axis of evil.” To even sit down at the same table with these people is giving them a legitimacy they don’t deserve and one that the world can not afford. The world pays attention to strength, not weakness. North Korea only understands one phrase—survival of the fittest. We should learn from the enemy."

    Compare & contrast with what was said in today's post.

  2. Yup-
    and the president needs to be very, very careful. I wouldn't trust Kim Jong un for more than 30 seconds. He has promised a lot of things through the years and fooled Bush and Obama. I don't think leopards change their spots unless he is very, very afraid of Trump. Trump is the first president willing to meet with him. It all could change. We'll see. But I wouldn't want to bet money on it.
