Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Last night's Workshop on Land Development Regulations and Refuse Operations

I watched the entire meeting at home and it was much more interesting than I expected it to be. Commissioner Hardy had some good questions that made some on the dais including William Waters uncomfortable and annoyed. Hardy, once again, dominated the meeting with his ideas and queries. He was against the FAR, the Floor Area Ratio, in particular. No one could tell him why it was substantive.

I did not see the agenda on the city's web site until Monday. It never was on the calendar. I first found out about this meeting from a friend who pointed out the excerpt in the Sunday Palm Beach Post. The city manager is under the impression that it was up on Friday at 1pm. If it was, I totally missed it. The public spoke to this issue. Personally, I believe it was just an oversight, as generally the city does a good job getting information to the public..

I agreed with Janet Serrano when she spoke at around 2:49:21 into the video. Actually there were great comments by all.

The next time the LDR's come back will be at a public hearing when the commission will vote on the changes.


  1. Thank you for reporting all of this for us.Lynn.The city does a terrible job with noticing the public .Again,thank you.

  2. Omari, no matter how hard he tries, will never convince this commission of anything. Where was the mayor?

  3. How lucky am I to see Andre's Duany's words come to pass!
    Micro Units!

    “No way we’re gonna avoid building the COMPACT CITIES that the 21st century needs”. “There is no way we can dodge the bullet that the CARS are going out, that the AUTOMOBILE dependency is going out, we can’t dodge it in the long run and what I would urge you to do is that whatever we do here…that it be done FAST”.


  4. Agenda 21 alive and well. What better city than this one? Tammy spoke out against the idea of making it impossible for people to drive their cars within 1/4 mile of a TOD. I believe Hardy wanted it i/2 mile.

  5. Mayor Pammy missed ANOTHER meeting??? Time to start taking away here benefits.

  6. There's got to be a law against Mayors not showing for meetings; it's not right.

  7. There is a picture of Andre smoking a Cuban cigar. I think the worst thing they ever did to us is convince us to stop smoking. Smoking was a tension releaser, that nothing else can even come close to. So we live a couple of years longer; so what!

  8. I don't think there is a law against Mayors not showing for meetings. There isn't even a law against Congressmen and Senators not showing for meetings. It would be good not to obsess over Lake Worth. Lake Worth is what it is; it will never be all things to all people.

  9. That's true LW is an epic fail.

  10. I don’t like Hardy but appreciated that he was the only one up there questioning the status quo. Doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome has been the M.O. for too long. I welcome development and change.

  11. So true, in a few more years all these losers will be history and we will have new ones (losers too). And yes, so true, Lake Worth has had problems for many many years and will continue to be a mess forever likely. So many people have had dreams and they always get shattered here. Just look at all the terrible houses on Columbia Drive, College Park used to look fairly nice many years ago, and even most of College Park looks like hell now too.

  12. Too many pitbulls in College Park, it's not safe to walk a normal dog.

  13. What’s with all the negative trolls? If you really think it’s awful here... leave. And stop reading about the city.

  14. Better yet, clean up the city. I've lived here most of my life and I should move? All you have to do is drive around to see what sort of shape we're in and this commission wants to spend UNNECESSARY millions redoing our beach complex. Yo yos.

  15. The city looks great, take a bike ride or walk down lakeside or palmway even neighborhoods west of Dixie are looking better. You really have to live in town to experience the essence of Lake Worth, walk the streets, Bryant park, downtown is fantastic

  16. I need to borrow your glasses.
    Certain neighborhoods look good. Even in my condo community there are some people hell bent on making it look like a slum.

  17. At 2nd ave and Dixie in the Starbucks plaza: Dr G's "Urgent" care. There's one in Delray. What is it? Looks suspiciously like a robo signer given it's 2 blocks from the "medical" potshop. Delray has had it's addict invasion.

  18. This commission is obsessed with food. Sandwiches? WHO bought them? Can't you eat before "work" do you want a FOOD allowance now?
