Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Lake Worth to become a Sanctuary City by Proclamation

Tonight Lake Worth will become a Sanctuary City.

Forget about the small town charm.  We have seen our city erode through the years and its administration's secret desire to become a mini-West Palm Beach...in this case, a Welcoming City. We have been "welcoming" the illegal alien for years. It started with the Mentoring Center and allowing illegals to congregate on Lake Avenue as a morning labor pick-up area. Now it will be official--ya'll come to Lake Worth--bring us your tired and poor from all ports south. This decision will really attract investment.

I don't know why the City has to have a proclamation about this other than to slap down the Trump administration--they already have thousands of illegal aliens walking around and living here unperturbed. The PBSO does not ask suspected criminals their legal status. If you recall, the Department of Justice put West Palm Beach on a list of cities that are not in compliance with Federal Law ever since it became a "welcoming city." WPB sued the federal government telling them essentially to "stick it." And that's what Lake Worth is doing.

At the end of last year, the Department of Justice announced that sanctuary jurisdictions will lose access to certain federal law enforcement grants if they prohibit officials from communicating with ICE. These particular grants, known as the Byrne Justice Assistance Grants, are the largest source of federal criminal justice funds for state, local and tribal authorities.

Although Lake Worth has always denied it's a Sanctuary City and has for years and even fought to get it off the list, this latest proclamation will finally settle their confusion.  Do they really want to be placed on the DOJ's list of Sanctuary Cities? So, why are Commissioner Hardy and the rest of this commission making a big Left-Wing deal out of this?

We used to worry about anarchists in our little city and their stand on Arizona 1070. Now we have to worry about globalists, liberals, socialists, open border people, etc. This is a shameful proclamation, representing the illegals over American citizens and the U.S. government.


WHEREAS, Fostering a welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of race,
ethnicity or place of origin, enhances Lake Worth’s cultural fabric, economic growth, global competitiveness and overall prosperity for current and future generations; and

WHEREAS, Lake Worth has long been recognized as a hospitable and welcoming
place where people, families and institutions thrive and the contributions of all are celebrated and valued; and

WHEREAS, Lake Worth is committed to continue building a welcoming and neighborly atmosphere in our community, where all are welcome, accepted and integrated; and

WHEREAS, Community efforts that promote understanding and collaboration between our native-born and foreign-born community member regardless of legal status, are crucial in encouraging and preserving Lake Worth’s welcoming environment; and

WHEREAS, Lake Worth encourages the business leadership, civic groups, other governmental agencies and community institutions to undertake their own initiatives, beyond this resolution, to make Lake Worth not only a welcoming place for new residents from other countries but also a center of world commerce. ARE THEY NUTS? World commerce? Who in the hell writes this stuff?

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Pam Triolo, Mayor of the City of Lake Worth, Florida, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do hereby proclaim APRIL 17, 2018 AS WELCOMING CITY DAY In the City of Lake Worth, Florida and we urge all residents of Lake Worth to do their part in reaching out to and welcoming all who live in and visit our City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Cit >of Lake Worth, Florida to be affixed this 17th day of April, 2017.
Pam Triolo, Mayor
Deborah M. Andrea, City Clerk


  1. Wonderful. We're already a third world town. Instead of welcoming more illegal immigrants they should be encouraging them to go back to their own country or come here legally.

  2. No kidding? A sanctuary city? NO, NO, NO,

  3. this city tells you what to do with your property now they are TELLING you to welcome illigals.watch out for the next shoe to fall.we had a chance to change the flawed mentality of this town.blame this on the citizens of this loyal to 3.the rest of "who cares"

  4. I don't even like driving around this place anymore. It sucks.

  5. @8:43...yes, we had a chance to change the dias but it would not have changed the mentality of doing something about the illegals here. Both opponents are Democrats and Sarah was all for these immigrants,IMO. Just look at her mailers.

  6. We DO NOT want to welcome everyone. We DO NOT want to welcome drug dealers, hookers, scam artists, thieves, addicts, rapists and illegal immigrants. Unless the city wants to chase off all those nice, educated, middle class people. You know, the ones who pay TAXES??!! Lake Worth has had horrible leaders for so long. It looks like it's going to go awhile longer. So much damage is being done that it will take years to repair if we ever get some good leaders in there.

  7. MS13 will have an even stronger presence in LW now. Will the food lady extend a hand to that? I personally know 4 homeowners who have sold and booked. All are much safer and happier.

  8. Was the anus brigade with lips(Triolo,Hardy,Maxwell,Amoroso and Robinson) not paying attention when hell descended on the city of West Palm Beach in the form of the Feds threatening to take away their funding? Lake Worth will now be brought to the attention of ICE. Maybe we should thank our group of Anuses with lips that they have now put targets on the backs of all illegals. I would love to see some agents stationed at North and South grade schools for morning drop off . Ditto the banks and every Latin business in town.I am personally going to take the tape of this meeting to the head of the Republican Party in Palm Beach county to make sure that Maxwell never gets another dime from this group.

  9. International commerce? What's that.. cocaine? Triolo is taking heavy revenge on our "beachy" quirky town.

  10. LOL@ the comment above about cocaine being the "international commerce" and I also hope that all this does is put the spotlight on LW with ICE. I really don't believe people care about law abiding citizens (citizenship or not) but we ALL know LW harbors criminals. We know this because there have been crimes and arrests. This is not speculation. With the poverty as bad as it is why would LW think it would be imperative to make this sort of announcement??? This was a bad idea and I believe Hardy was probably spearheading this if not drafting it himself based on the countless partisan comments he has made. Extremely unprofessional and I hope he does not win re-election. This is a proclamation is a joke.

  11. Perhaps 3 on the dais will vote this down.

    It's hard to believe that they would want more invaders to populate our city so they can collect welfare checks for their constant streams of children.

  12. That's the unfortunate thing--it is not on the agenda for a vote. This is under presentations and is a proclamation. Basically, it is meaningless but it shows their desire and where their heart is. Unless it's pulled, it will be their message to the residents of this city--you are welcomed no matter your legal or illegal status.

  13. I don't feel too welcome here, with pot and rehabbers everywhere. Downtown is another booze destination like Duvall street in KW. Walk around in daylight and see the trash thrown that business owners fail to clean up.

  14. "Hereby" "I proclaim" "by the power vested" being reelected by voter apathy has given Pam a queen complex. PLEASE get her help!

  15. get her off her happy pills and see what ya get

  16. International commerce hilarious! The downtown has vacant stores that are empty for years. Starbucks is leaving the downtown because these idiots gave them a variance for a drive thru without ever thinking about making them also stay in the downtown now they are vacating with 3 years left on there lease and are going to pay the rent while staying vacant and districting anyone who may want to sublease it from them from not being able to carry coffee, juices, food so bottom line it will stay vacant for the next 3 years because of these idiots who have zero business experience. We have 2 dollar tacos at lilos and a new snow cone store. Well we do have Andy Amoroso selling dildos and glass drug pipes while he’s voting for being a welcoming city it’s really a joke at this point no investors or developers will touch this city

  17. International commerce hilarious! The downtown has vacant stores that are empty for years. Starbucks is leaving the downtown because these idiots gave them a variance for a drive thru without ever thinking about making them also stay in the downtown now they are vacating with 3 years left on there lease and are going to pay the rent while staying vacant and districting anyone who may want to sublease it from them from not being able to carry coffee, juices, food so bottom line it will stay vacant for the next 3 years because of these idiots who have zero business experience. We have 2 dollar tacos at lilos and a new snow cone store. Well we do have Andy Amoroso selling dildos and glass drug pipes while he’s voting for being a welcoming city it’s really a joke at this point no investors or developers will touch this city

  18. Great observation 11:20pm. Tacos, snowcones and sex toys, the consumer in LW is being toddler-ized. What an insult! No wonder there are "therapy" pets everywhere.

  19. 11:20: you are out of it. I can count many new places that have opened, Book Cellar, CWS, 3 of hearts, Revelry, the skate shop, Victoria’s opening soon, not to mention Brick Oven, Lilos, Common Ground that have open last 2-3 years. Mathews Brewery! Capt. O”Grady’s renovating!
    It’s s shame Devine closed but it’s better then the junky smelly thrift store that was there before don’t you think?
    Grow up buddy!

  20. We'll see how long these hack businesses stay open. The book store is full of biased propaganda, has to sell wine to keep afloat.

  21. 11:28: go away crybaby, go find a safe place and cry, wimp.

  22. I guess 2:25pm had a nerve struck, greasy taco lovers lives matter.

  23. Book store is a joke every book store in the United States is out of business or going out of business you are right they had to sell wine to try and pay the rent don’t hold your breath the book store - snow cone- new skate shop and limos will all be gone out of business within 18 months

  24. What we have is a bunch of people expressing an opinion. Posting here has no spell check and it's easy for someone to make a mistake. BUT, we got his point I believe on another blog here. He/she ran. He lost. He stood up to the plate.
    I may be a loose canon in your book but in reality I am a conservative with totally different values than you, expressing my opinion. What's sad is all you liberals believing you're the smartest knives in the drawer. SAD, indeed. You have little love for America. How's that for an observation?

  25. 10:58PM posting while drunk

  26. Well I do love America, served my 4 years in the US Air Force if you doubt it. I also love immigrants and welcome and admire people willing to go to a completely different country and culture in the hopes of bettering their lifes not only theirs but their families too. But I firmly believe they need to come here legally. I have lived in Lake Worth for 50 years.Im 55 so most of my life. I have worked in construction mostly painting and roofing. So over the years I have worked with many immigrants. I have observed one thing which I think people should consider. If we came out right now and offered all the illegals citizenship (I should state here that Im primarily speaking of central Americans, since thats what we have here) but they would have to revoke their other citizenship. I Think you would be very surprised to find that a large majority would not take advantage of the offer. Because they intend to take as much as they possibly can from us only to return home as soon as they can. While they are here they could care less about our country or city. They simply want to exploit us for all they can and bail asap, and care less about any damage they cause. That should not be the type of citizens we want here. I know I dont and if you do I really dont understand your thinking and I wish you could explain it to me. I doubt you can or that I could comprehend it but give it a try anyway, please.
