Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Donald Trump's Love for America

"Donald Trump has made huge sacrifices for this country in his first year as President. He gave up his comfortable lifestyle in quest to make this country great again.

But despite this, he CONSTANTLY is persecuted each and every day by the liberal media, obstructionist Democrats, and lunatic leftists... just for fulfilling his promises.

Just in case there is some liberal weenie out here who doesn't know about what our president has achieved here are some facts since President Trump took office:
  • Unemployment has fallen to a 17 year low
  • Over 1.9 million jobs have been added
  • The stock market has gone up more than six TRILLION dollars
  • ISIS is on the run
  • New home sales have soared to a 10 year high
But unlike Obama, Donald Trump has sacrificed his own wealth to make America prosperous for EVERYONE. It's been estimated by Forbes that he has personally lost around $600 million dollars of his own wealth since taking office and he has never accepted his presidential salary, donating it to needy causes." Source: TeaParty

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