Sunday, April 15, 2018

Donald Trump at Wrestling event in 2011

An oldie but goodie--We need a chuckle every now and then. Maybe Mueller can find something to go after here.


  1. Ha ha ha ha.

    I like the old Howard Stern clips where he describes himself as a sexual abuser.

    Hilarious stuff! Especially for a Sunday morning!

    He really is an American hero.

  2. Donald Trump has a great sense of humor and he has always been able to laugh at himself! (remember also the pizza commercial with his ex ?) One of the many reasons that I thank God multiple times per day that Donald Trump is our President!

  3. that's what makes the world go round.stern was ok

  4. Hey Trump hater at 9:44--this is entertainment and comedy. You must be a barrel of laughs at home.
    Speaking of REAL TRASH--In the years since the memorable Clinton presidency, Hillary has brought America Emailgate and the Benghazi scandal, among others. New developments in the Clinton Foundation scandals emerges almost daily. When will SHE be indicted?

  5. Hopefully Clinton will be indicted soon, who’s handling the case against her, Mr. Sessions? Trump, The Clinton’s, trashy Godless people.

  6. Whats not to like about a close hair cut.
