Tuesday, April 24, 2018

DNC lawsuit against Trump, Russia and Wikileaks was just a cheap Stormy Daniels PR stunt

The DNC has made a major faux pas when they filed their lawsuit claiming that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. It was a huge mistake. Because of that suit, Republicans can now depose Hillary Clinton, under oath, on tape, and without softball questions.

The same can be said for Debbie Wasserman Schultz and several other DNC officials as well as any Democrat who claimed there was evidence of collusion. It’s one thing to make those accusations on TV and an entirely different matter in a deposition and under oath.

Read more about it...


  1. Clinton, Wasserman, Lynch, Abedin, Pocahontas, Triolo, Amaroso, Polosi, Feinstein, Cher, Madonna...it goes on and on.

  2. Clinton, Wasserman, Cher, Pocahontas, Streep, Triolo, Polosi, Abedin, Madonna. It goes on and on.

  3. Identify the crazies

  4. That's easy, Maxine Waters.
