Monday, April 16, 2018

Democrats - The Tax and Spend party

Here are the details of the Democrats’ plan to win your vote by repealing President Trump’s tax cuts and raising your taxes. Brilliant!

by Thomas Madison, Click here...


  1. Spend and cut taxes causes a Trump deficit of $1 trillion in 2019.

    Republicans are going to "reform" Social Security and Medicare to pay for it.

    Not to worry, Lynn. You got yours. Pull the ladder up behind you for the generations to come.

  2. The Democrats caused the trillion dollar spending...better than shutting down the government. It comes back up in September I believe.
    Social Security must be reformed--retirement age raised as well as the cap.
    I'm not worried that The Republican party will do the right thing. The ONLY obstacle to that are democrats. Trump is creating jobs and pay is going up. Hopefully, all generations to come will be in good shape. SS has to be saved.

  3. "The Democrats caused the trillion dollar spending..."

