Wednesday, April 18, 2018

David Hogg planning another school Walk-Out

David Hogg had announced a walkout over guns. A walkout that was planned for April 20th, the 19th anniversary of the shooting deaths of Columbine students.

But Columbine won't have any part of it and that's not quite what Hogg had counted on. The students at Columbine did not want to walk out of school. They have made it a day to volunteer, not to complain about guns.

They sent Hogg a letter to that effect. Hogg is telling his followers that everyone else will be still walking out.

Read about the Hogg... Hogg won't be happy until he helps destroy everything in his wake.


  1. Yes, a teenager organizing a walkout is definitely on his way to destroying everything in his wake.

    For someone who is Lake Worth's biggest internet bully, you sure do scare easily.


  2. “A funny thing has happened since the Left began its campaign to drive Fox News host Laura Ingraham off the air: Her ratings are up, a lot — by more than 20 percent compared to her last week on the air before the current controversy began with David Hogg trying to destroy her and her show. Punk is a good description.
