Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cover the Border Wall with Solar Panels

This should shut up the liberal weenies because they believe in solar energy, right? On top of everything else, Democrats need to realize that illegals can't continue to walk across our border --we are a nation of laws. Liberals have spread the word that we are a nation of free stuff...they need a Democratic vote that badly. And think about it, we can sell this power back to Mexico--a way for them to pay for the wall.


  1. Lynn,
    I am a huge supporter of solar energy for many of what should be obvious reasons. Clean, renewable, passive and "free".

    Can you say why you are so against it?

  2. Now I'm "against solar?" ??????????????
    What I am is for this country to be energy independent.
    Nothing is "free." Solar panels are still very expensive although the cost is coming down and in a few years, it will be much more affordable. I'm all for solar but not as our only source of power at this time.

  3. Is it because of that dark thing?
