Friday, April 20, 2018

Commissioners and their "stipends"

Riviera votes to end individual $12,000 stipends for council

That is the headline in today's Palm Beach Post on the front page.

Apparently in Riviera Beach, if its commission wants a raise, it has to go by the voters.  But call it a "stipend" and you get away with it. Aren't elected officials clever? That's why municipalities pay big bucks to their city attorneys.

Here in Lake Worth, this commission of Maxwell, Triolo and Amoroso voted themselves in a whopping raise--$10,100 more for a commissioner or $24,500 a year and an additional $14,100 for mayor bringing that salary up to $29,500. Plus they all get $6,000 a year for a car allowance  I won't even mention all the benefits such as medical, life insurance, etc. The commissioners who voted against this were McVoy and Maier.

They work so hard at ribbon cuttings and figuring out how to screw up good things like our beach and pool and have made this job more part-time than ever--only one commission meeting in November, December and January. And everything is thrown on the Consent Agenda.  They don't even have to discuss spending your money, unless, of course, you are Commissioner Hardy who wants to grandstand on guns and sanctuary city status and put the city through a stupid ordeal.

Now tomorrow they are having a charette about our beach complex saying they want community input. No they don't--they already know what they're going to do to our beach.


  1. what a great government we got because nobody bothered to vote. Lake Worth deserves these clowns

  2. terrible they voted themselves in raises. I remember at the time they were bemoaning the fact that they hadn't had a raise in 12 years like they had been in office that long. this is public service.

  3. More than terrible they voted themselves raises it's criminal.

  4. They are pigs bottom line! Very piggish of them.
