Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Commission Meeting ends in Liberal stand on Resolutions

Assault Weapon Ban and Welcoming (Sanctuary) City status are voted in for Lake Worth

The mayor was absent last night--an anniversary in her family. Perhaps that was a good thing...she didn't have to involve herself in a losing discussion that went along Democrat party lines. This is why I have stated that I will never vote for a Democrat even on a local level. They always and only represent their liberal philosophy and are always bringing their moral beliefs into everything and shoving them down our throats. Accept them or stand in the corner and shut up.

They even went against a private business, the monthly gun show at the Scottish Rite. Hardy and Robinson would like the city to take a stand against the show even operating with Hardy blaming the State of Florida for disempowering cities to actually do something about it.  Can you even imagine a government not allowing a legal business to operate in America? And Hardy even wants to sue the State of Florida and Robinson said that "Tallahassee does the bad."

Regarding the two important resolutions on the agenda, that of banning assault weapons and becoming a sanctuary city, Omari Hardy dominated the conversation. It would be really great if commissioners all had equal time to express their opinions but they never do especially since Omari Hardy was elected.

Commissioner Hardy debated and gave his position on these two important resolutions--guns and sanctuary city status. He must have been on the debate team at the University of Miami. Maybe he missed his calling and should have been a lawyer. Even scarier, he's teaching our children. Although Scott Maxwell had some objections, he was impotent and ineffectual after the Omari Hardy dominance. Hardy just kept saying it was just a discussion. No it was not. It was a full fledged assault using all the plays in the liberal playbook to make your points, Commissioner.

And to make everyone who disagrees feel better, the city attorney will put a caveat (another WHEREAS) at the end of the Resolution stating that Lake Worth is NOT a Sanctuary City. What a complete farce.

And both resolutions passed on a 4/0 vote in spite of one Republican on the dais who was essentially against. But as Scott Maxwell has said in the past, you have to pick your battles. These battles were destined for defeat by Democrat commissioners in a Democrat city. Besides, down the road, Maxwell might need his cohorts on the dais for something he wants like destroying our pool. Maxwell, no longer with fire and passion in his belly, voted for the resolutions.

Resolution 17-2018 Ban on Assault weapons
1:10:25 on the video
Vote 4/0

Resolution 24-2018 Welcoming City
1:48:20 on the video
Vote 4/0


  1. We're a sanctuary city now. But not really. Is this going to be what they tell the Feds when they com knocking on our door? Time to get a new city attorney. Omari has bigger things in mind. He is using our Commission meetings to grandstand.Time to get the truth about this guy out there. Pam Triolo needs to get her ass to every one of the few meetings this Commission has. Maybe she should be asked to give up her 500/month car allowance if she can't bother to show up.Maxwell is toast . This Commission and it's stupid proclamations are what happens when people are too lazy to vote. Thanks for nothing lazy bums.

  2. Omari loves to hear himself talk. He won't STFU

  3. Is there anything medically wrong with Scott these days? He just doesn't act like his old self. He has given kudos to this commission on several occasions but last night never really took a hard stand.

  4. getting tired of these idiots talking for me when they wont even return my do they know my ideas.ESP?is it true Omari lives in Boynton.time to investigate all of them

  5. That "mural" Build a Bridge on Lucerne is a warning of Pam's lame PC speak. The Food Lady is a coward for making proclamation and not showing up to actually earn her keep, is she Omari puppet?

  6. has anyone checked omaris background.i would but cant find him or illegal???

  7. Either run for office in LW or move out of the city, the only two options to make change and/or have peace of mind in your life. The city is never going to get better with people like andy, pam, scott, the other two, and this lame city manager! Greed and power have corrupted all of them. Until people who really care and run, people like Lynn, Mary, and Barbara Aubel this city will never get better and see real change and improvements. The people in charge now are all in the pockets of the higher-ups and, so all you can do is have to settle for mediocrity under all of them. If you really love Lake Worth, instead of complaining, run for office and make this city what it was meant to be if you have the energy and passion to do so.

  8. Was Omari born in Haiti? Is he even really a US citizen? What is his history? Does he also shop at World Thrift like half of Haiti here.

  9. @1:27...hope you're not talking about me!! LOL.too old for BS. Barbara and Mary both ran before and are terrific gals.
    It's hard to beat incumbents for all the reasons I have written about in the past. Sarah almost did it.
    Our city needs an overhaul and I'm not talking about pot holes or catering to developers or cementing in our seaside pool for more revenue from parking. Appalling.

  10. 1.27 I did run for office but no body wanted a change .I also was laughed at and called a looser.but I always remember GOOD FRIDAY "forgive them they know not what they do.that was some of my problem I cant hold a grudge

  11. Wtf is a “looser”?

  12. I think Sarah would have won if she did not put out those awful fliers catering to the illegals in this city. Oh well,she is honest and that what was in her heart. Too bad it cost her the election.

  13. if we are going to be a sanctuary city don't ban my guns might need them

  14. No, it's good that cost her the election, you can't disrespect real citizens of any stripe to cater to illegals and win.

  15. Hardy has GOT TO GO. I really do not want to run for city commission but this character really might push me to it. Please someone else step up and get this guy out! The only positive thing to his obnoxious attitude is it might guarantee he is not elected again. How much time did they waste on this pointless proclamation? It's crystal clear now as was suspected from the beginning, that Hardy is here in LW to try to "jump start" his political career. Who brought him here? He didn't wander in here on his own.

  16. Take a look at the obvious. Hardy, a newcomer with no history in Lake Worth gets elected his first go round. We've played this "where does he really live" game before and it doesn't end well for Lake Worth residents. SEO's position is that a person lives where they say they live regardless where they lay their head.

    People with bona fide history of interest and volunteerism in Lake Worth get set aside. Herman would be the exception but he wasn't running against an incumbent.

    Stepping stone??? Stay tuned.
